
Saturday, March 30, 2013

The little chef and her Cookies

Last year during her summer camp, 'cooking up a storm' was one of the activities where she'd been a part of a group of 6+ somethings who'd baked some lush, gooey, chocolatey , melt-in-the-mouth cookies! Not happy with just the two cookies which each of them were allowed to bring back home and also share with a choco-obsessed loving Mom, then and there she'd declared that she'll bake more of these.....the two paged photocopy of the recipe was carefully preserved and the intermittent reminders in the form of mild whinings were meted out to the not-too-enthusiatic-about-baking Mom...who turned a deaf ear and hardened her heart, determined not to be emotionally blackmailed!

Now that she was a year older, and hence more persistent and her arguments were logical, and to top it all, the final exams were over and hence free time was in abundance, the Mom couldnt continue feigning selective deafness and had to succumb to the pressure giving free reign of her kitchen to the little lady!

Out came the precious list and recipe....and off they (the reluctant Mom & the oozing-with-enthusiasm mini-chef) went and brought back a bag full of stuff.....sugars of different kinds, unsalted butter etc etc...

Unfortunately after reaching home, the Mom realised that her kitchen scale was broken and hence the measurements were approximate...but the cookies turned out yum...and could give any professionally baked cookies a run for their money! ;)
May be beginners' luck ...... but the mini chef and Mommy assistant were immensely satisfied with the outcome!!!!

Ingredients (as given in the printed recipe..lot of substitutions were made)

125 gm of unsaltede butter
90gm of soft light brown sugar
90 gm castor sugar
125 gm chocolate spread (used nutella + Hershey's chocolate syrup)
200gm plain flour
30 gm cocoa powder
1 tsp baking powder
2-3 drops vanilla extract (used 1.5 caps of vanilla essence)
150 gm of white chocolate chips (used 1/2 bar of Cadbury's Dairy Milk, broken into unequal bits)
1 egg
A pinch of salt

Procedure (as given in the recipe ...followed more or less accurately except for the weight measures which were approximate)
1. Preheat oven to 180 deg C. Cream the butter and both types of sugar in a large bowl until the mixture turns creamy.
2. Still using the electric whisk, beat the egg, chocolate spread (2-3 tsp of nutella+1/2 cup of Hershey's chocolate sauce in our case....that's all there was at home), vanilla essence/extract into the creamed butter and sugar mixture, until fully mixed in.
3. Sieve the flour, baking powder, cocoa powder and salt and mix in a bowl.
4. Add the sieved flour mixture with the chocolate mixture and mix them together. Stir in the chocolate chips.
5. Spray /brush some oil on the baking tray (not mentioned in the recipe).
6. Place 6-7 heated dessert spoonfuls of the cookie dough on the baking tray leaving space between each mound so that they can spread as they cook.

7. Bake for 14 minutes.

8. Take the trays out of the oven and leave the cookies to set for 2-3 minutes. When set transfer onto a cooling rack.

Enjoy the cookies...fresh off the oven....or later ....when they're cold and crispier ...with tea / milk .....

Sharing this recipe with Guest Host Mireille's event "What's with my Cuppa", originally started by Nupur.


  1. Looking at your daughter baking at such a tender age gives me hope for mine I would love to bake together!!

  2. Looking at your daughter bake at such a tender age gives me hope for mine too..oh how I would love to bake together !!

  3. @ Nilanjana - This latest 'passion' of hers has amazed me too...because ..leave alone her tender ager, I still am not a passionate baker... but definitely enjoying 'helping' her!!

  4. I love it when little children take an interest in the kitchen. It is truly a sight to behold, as they spill, lick and make a mess, yet it's the most beautiiful thing to me!!
    So glad you have your little one sharing your kitchen!
    Love your blog, glad I stumbled on to it today. Will be checking back often.
    - Tina Dawson from


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